We’ve been in

The News

Snippets of our milestones
Banglore Mirror

Ovitrap project success: 1,000 more mosquito traps

APN News

Eco BioTraps: World’s First 100% Biodegradable Ovitrap That Breaks the Chain of Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Times Now

National Dengue Day 2024: Difference between Malaria and dengue

The Times of India

Debunking dengue myths in India: Separating fact from fiction.

Hindustan times

Startup Mantra: Pune-based Eco BioTraps helps eliminate mosquito breeding cycle

DD News

Changemakers |Tackling Mosquito Borne Diseases

The Economic Times

Dengue’s escalating economic toll on India: Time for urgent action

The daily guardian

A single mosquito bite is a blood donation for three crore disease-causing mosquitoes!

Cnn news

The Changemakers Season 3 – Eco BioTraps

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