How Eco BioTraps Works

Why use Eco BioTraps?
No Electricity, No Recharging
Zero Fumes,
Zero Odour
Built on Science and
Validated by Scientists
Waste Recycled to
Protect Lives

Green Product
Dengue & Malaria

Turn Your Premises Into A Dengue
Mosquito Free Zone

The residents and students living on the hospital campus are at great RISK of getting infected apart from...

Construction Sites
Construction sites are like a mosquito breeding factory and it may breed in various types of containers...

Educational Institutions
Preventing and controlling dengue in schools is crucial because the campus provides multiple...

Hotels & Resorts
For hotels that seamlessly transform into venues for events like weddings, reunions, conferences...

Public Health
Mosquito disease prevention and control is a crucial public health initiative. Mosquitoes...

IT Parks & Workplaces
In adherence to the Workplace Health and Safety Act, employers hold a pivotal role in...

Manufacturing Premises
Controlling mosquito breeding and implementing source reduction measures in manufacturing...

Residential Spaces
Ensuring effective mosquito prevention in high-rise buildings holds paramount importance...