Frequently Asked Questions

What is Eco BioTraps?
Eco BioTraps is the world’s first 100% biodegradable ovitrap scientifically designed to break the chain of mosquito breeding.
How long do Eco BioTraps last?
Eco BioTraps will last for 4-6 weeks after adding water.
Where should I ideally place the Eco BioTraps? Can I place them indoors?
The Eco BioTraps should be placed in shaded areas with no direct sunlight, which is where the mosquitoes ideally are found in large numbers. The secluded moist, humid places are ideal breeding habitats for the mosquito gravid females. Yes, you can place Eco BioTraps indoors, preferably near your existing plants/horticulture, secluded corners, etc.
What will happen if I break the cycle of the order for a month or more?
If the deployment of Eco BioTraps, which are used for mosquito source reduction, is interrupted for a period of approximately one month or more, it can have detrimental effects on mosquito control efforts and the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases. The progress achieved over 4-6 months in controlling mosquitoes may be completely reversed, requiring a restart from the beginning.
Do Eco BioTraps rely on electricity or batteries?
No, Eco BioTraps is a passive mosquito control device that operates without the need for any batteries or electricity.
Are harsh chemicals or any insecticides used? Is it safe with humans and animals?
No toxic chemicals, pesticides or insecticides are used in Eco BioTraps and the product is 100% safe for animals and humans. Eco BioTraps are designed to be safe for children and pets. They are absolutely free of toxicity. Our proprietary solution is backed strongly by science.
How can I assess the decrease in the mosquito population after installing?
After approximately 2-3 weeks of deployment, a noticeable reduction in mosquito numbers on your premises will become apparent. However, the most significant reduction occurs when the Eco BioTraps are continually used over an extended period. The effectiveness of mosquito population reduction is further evidenced by the presence of Aedes eggs found on the inner walls of the Eco BioTraps. By capturing these eggs, the Eco BioTraps effectively "Break-The-Chain" of mosquito breeding, contributing to the overall control of the mosquito population.
What should be the positioning of the product?
Ideally, the Eco BioTraps should be placed on the floor, in the corners, with minimal movement around and away from direct sunlight. However, it is also effective in attracting gravid female mosquitoes to lay eggs when positioned at a height of 5-7 feet when hung, and up to 9 feet if placed on a surface.
What is the disposal category?
Eco BioTraps is categorized as dry waste. When the service life of the Eco BioTraps comes to an end, indicated by water leakage after 30 days, it should be treated as dry waste.
How much area does one Eco BioTraps cover?
One Eco BioTraps device covers upto 400 sq. ft. and lasts up to 30 days before it leaks itself out. 2 devices for 1000 sq. ft and 5 devices for 3000 sq. ft.
If the water level goes down within 10 days, do I need to keep refilling it?
The water need not be replaced. You need to replace water in case of spillage where the Eco BioTraps is fully drained.
Is there a way to set reminders?
You can give us a missed call or drop us a whatsapp on 9324125929 for monthly reminders.