Kab Tak Bhagaoge?

Eco BioTraps Lagao aur
Jadd Se Mitao.

Eco BioTraps about

How to use Eco BioTraps?

Just add water and place it away from direct sunlight - indoors and /or outdoors

Attractant inside of the sachet targets the female mosquito by mimicking the best mosquito breeding ground

Ingredient which is inside of the sachet will ensure that eggs do not turn into adults, thereby breaking the chain of mosquito breeding

Will last upto 30 days after which water starts leaking out, thereby posing no risk of becoming a breeding ground

Why use Eco BioTraps?

No Electricity,
No Recharging

Zero Fumes,
Zero Odour

Built on Science and
Validated by Scientists

Waste Recycled to
Protect Lives

0 Sq. Ft.
Lives safeguarded from
Dengue & Malaria
0 +
0 MT of CO2
0 + Countries


Impact Stories

Zero Dengue Death Reported In Dharavi

No Need For
Repellents Anymore

No Mosquitoes
Visible In Dharavi

BioTraps Impact: 70%
Less Mosquitoes

Sustainable Development Goals:

Our CSR partnerships are dedicated to targeting multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a brighter future. We focus on the following SDGs:

Don't just repel; Break-the-Chain of mosquito breeding!

Don't just repel; Break-The-Chain of mosquito breeding!

Don't just repel;
Break-The-Chain of mosquito breeding!

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